Welland Valley Vineyard English wine and cider
Welland Valley Vineyard English wine and cider

Buying direct from the vineyard

You can buy direct from the vineyard (at a small discount from the normal retail price) by telephoning us to make an appointment or if we are there by calling in.


We are pleased to show customers around the vineyard and winery at the same time.


We can deliver orders of 6 bottles or more, free of charge, within a 20 mile radius


See our offers on our Home Page

Require more information or prices? 

Ring 01858 434591 or 07989 091721 or use our contact form.



Farndon Fields Farm Shop, Farndon Road, Market Harborough. The full range.         

Tel 01858 464835 www.farndonfields.co.uk


Ashley Farm Shop, Main Street, Ashley, Northants. The full range.

Tel​ 01858 565722  www.ashleyherbfarm.co.uk


Emerson & Wests, Northampton Road, Market Harborough. Most of our range.

Tel 01858 434591 www.emerson&wests.co.uk


March House Farm Shop, Great Dalby LE14 2HA, The full range.

Tel 01664 563919 www.marchhousefarm.co.uk


Bryter Moon Deli, 1 Silver Arcade, Leicester LE1 5FA Tel. 07932 966932 The full range of still wines.


Deli Fresh, 2 Allandale Road, Stoneygate, Leicester LE2 2DA Tel 01162 700771  A selection of our still wines.


Waitrose,  Market Harborough, Lutterworth, Daventry, Oundle, Stamford and Northampton - Kingsthorpe and Wootton


The Beerboat Company - selling on the inland waterways.  Tel 07841 372300


Retail outlets - subject to availability


Address for correspondence only:

Vine Lodge

Marston Trussell

Market Harborough


LE16 9TX


Call us on:

01858 434591

07989 091721


Or you can use our contact form.

Wine & cider sales are generally by prior appointment. However if you are passing do call in if you see a  car.

Welland Valley Vineyard Ltd

registered office:

30 Victoria Avenue

Market Harborough


LE16 7BQ

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© Welland Valley Vineyard